Horsham Coworking

I've started a Horsham coworking group for freelancers and anyone who works from home. Bring your laptop, work and chat with other freelancers!

The main incentive for starting the group was that there wasn't a group of this kind in Horsham. Or, I was fed-up driving to Brighton, Lewes or Worthing to work in coworking spaces1 in those areas!

I wrote about starting a coworking group a few months ago so I won't repeat that here. However, what I will say is that I've really enjoyed taking part in the coworking days in Horsham since the group started in March. For me, the main benefits of Horsham Coworking have been meeting other local folk who are work-from-home-office professionals and getting a feel for their values and skills. And to make a few new friends as well I hope ;-)

Related: Five Advantages of Coworking for Freelancers

We get a range of people at the Horsham days, for example web designers and developers, copywriters, photographers, office and business support, and PR people. It's been a great mix!

So, if you are in the same position as I was earlier this year and you'd like to do some coworking in your local area, why not find a coworking office space or indeed start a coworking group?!

I'm sure you'll enjoy it like I have.

1 The coworking spaces in Brighton, Worthing and Lewes are fantastic; I'm only joking about having to drive to get there.